Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cleveland Public Power

So when our fine city went bankrupt in the 70's it was in a large part because the mayor at the time, one Dennis Kucinich, wouldn't sell Muni Light. His refusal to sell the power company pissed a lot of people off including the banks who called in all their loans, and the mafia who put a hit out on him. No shit . . . Don't you love politics. Well we may have gone bankrupt at the time, and DK almost got killed, but Cleveland now enjoys cheap power from a publicly owned utility and we also got this song out of it.

Things are busy as always at the ESR studio, The new Blake Miller Record Burn Tape is getting close to press, and Mystery of Two is moving along on our record. We're playing with Hot Cha Cha and The Dimeras this Friday @ Now That's Class. The show is a benefit for Pink Eye Magazine, it's also a release party for issue # 2

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