Saturday, February 21, 2009

Some Suggestions from Monk

Scott from Home and Garden passed this along . . . I think it's because of whole " just because you're not the drummer doesn't mean you don't have to keep time" and "make the drummer sound good" parts . . . but hey, he has a point there. If you click on the image it's easier to read, apparently it was written by Steve Lacy, who played with Monk in the 60's.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Next Weekend @ Tower 2012

Well Mystery of Two has been on a break from live shows for a couple months while we work on our record, but as of last night we're back, which is exciting. We're almost done with the record, but in the meantime we're is playing at the Tower 2012 weekend of fun. Friday night is the second lotto league show @ the Beachland, which should be a blast, then Saturday is Deathers, Freedom, Homostupids, a new band that nick is playing with called Film Strip. Sunday night is Mystery of Two, Bird Names, Benny Stoofy, and Passout Knives. Both shows on Saturday and Sunday are at Tower. Check the great flyer that John G made below!
Also if you haven't seen this video . . . it's pretty funny.